Be alert about this loops in handwriting , Stay away from them #23


                           Role of Loops in handwriting 

 In the handwriting analysis of the written sample, we can get the information about his secretive nature and what is in its mind. It is possible to understand the person's nature whether he is romantic, secretive, or travel mind, whether belongs to believable or not and confident. In this post, we are going to study the loops in the small letter such as letter a,e, dand o or circular letter. Loops in the letter reflect the personality nature.

                            One should be alert and aware of such types of people whose letters of this type. You should be aware of such a type of person. The first indication is double hook formation.If we find such a double hook formation in handwriting then you should keep away from such people. These double hook formation handwriting people are never a straight forward. They will avoid giving answers yes or no on the face because they always try to save from the responsibility which they have given. Such a type of person is not reliable. They always try to avoid doing work. Instead of working, they give the various types of solutions to do that given work. or they provide the various options to perform that responsibility. These people will never give you an answer directly. They give their opinion indirectly. Instead of giving a #verbal answer, they give their answer in an indirect way or action which they have performed.

Handwriting The analysis is benefited in

1) #Students improvement                                                        

2) #Career selection

3) #Child development                                                                 

4) Trustworthiness in finance

5)Selecting a life partner                                                             

 6) Understanding yourself

7)Positive points of candidates                                                  

8) Business deal

9)Weaknesses of students                                                      

10) Creativity                                                           

11) The amazing potential of the human personality     


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